Friday, July 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Wyatt

Wyatt "Little Warrior"
July 15, 2009

 He was long awaited.  The girls were so excited to see him and wrap their little arms around him.  They have great love for him.

God blessed us with this boy.  I am still in awe of the amount of love you can have for each one of your children.  
From little bitty baby.... to a big boy.

who loves to "sit chair" and watch airplanes

who loves to tote his keeks

And loves to sleep with his Daddy 
Who loves to walk with his DD

He brings us great joy, and TONS of laughter.

I wish I could stop time.  Wyatt is a delightful little guy to be around.  He is hilarious and brings us to tears from laughter on a regular basis.  He pokes his sisters and says "cheese touch" and runs off.  We have our regular chase game every night after dinner called "baby saga".  He loves his cars, firetruck, Leo from Little Einsteins (I'm convinced it's because Leo wears glasses).  Has a slight obsession with his sassy (passy), and loves to carry all three keeks (blankets) everywhere.  He loves to play ball and have his Daddy hold him so high to make a basket. He is a big eater, and I am afraid my grocery bill will double in a couple years.  Loves his cereal and sausage and asks for "Chicken Shies" (chicken and fries) from Chick Fil A daily. He asks to go to DD's house daily and usually we do.  As we are leaving he calls out "Bye Nanny DD's house".  He loves to call the dogs when it is time to go.  His sweet little voice yelling for Flora and Anabe "Flora Abel" is so cute.   He has figured out how to get carried around. All he has to do is look at me and say "carry you's".   I could write for hours about all of his sweet ways.  He is a blessing in my life and all of those he encounters.  

Happy Birthday Little Man

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Emma Mae is 7!!!

On July 2, 2004 a beautiful girl came into my life.  Emma Mae-  Emma, because I love the name, and yes I knew it was popular, but I didn't care.  Mae because my sweet, precious Nana is Ila Mae.  She went to be with Jesus in February of 2004.  When she left this earth, I knew that little girl in my tummy must be named after my Nana.  

Emma Mae is very much loved by her sister.  Amy is a great big sister, and Emma Mae loves being a little sister.  From the day Emma Mae came home Amy has had a deep love for her, I am so thankful for that.

 So here it goes-  year by year-  Emma Mae is 7 now.  Most of these shots are at her Birthday Party each year.  She has changed so much, and as year goes by, more changes come.  I am so thankful Emma Mae and the life and love she adds to our family.  

1 Year Old

2 Years Old

3 Years Old

4 Years Old

5 Years Old

6 Years Old

7 Years Old

We had so much FUN celebrating this year.  We had planned to be in Destin for the week of July 4th and were so excited to be down there for Emma Mae's birthday and for my Dad's.  It was a great time.